Sunday, December 23, 2012

72. Lancy the Fur-de-lance

Wednesday, 12/19/12

I accomplished two great things today. I met Lancy the poisonous snake. Then I accomplished major career-oriented tasks: chose a career, decided on a major, applied to summer jobs, looked for summer certification jobs. And yes, I consider the former achievement the most important!

Chad and I enjoy to talk about the futurehow many kids to have, whose car will be nicer, what can we do for the SDA church, who will be funnier once we get Alzheimers, how we will always live in the same neighborhood, how my 22 kids will grow up and marry Chads kids, and most often, how we will achieve our career goals. Therefore, we chatted and decided we should hunker down and really make the most of this summer. So I decided to go into town on my day off, stay the night, and pretty much work online without sleeping. When you never have internet, sacrificing a little sleep seems extremely worth it to get things done.

In the morning, however, I hung out with the younglings. Chad and I made rice and some lentils. I then left Chad to check on the kids. Of course, they were not doing their chores. So I encouraged them nicely and they began. Edwin is plainly a bad sweeper, so I showed him how. As I moved the opened door for him to sweep behind, I found my new best friend: Lancy the Fur-De-Lance. I think it was anyways. Had fangs.

Anyways, it is a highly dangerous snake. They enjoy the warmth of human homes and especially human sleeping bags. Nice Another fun fact: they emit highly potent neurotoxins in their venom. Fun, fun.

So what did I do? Called Chad right away. Then, picked up the little guy and gave him a hug? Nope. I took a machete and showed him to the boys at quite a safe distance. Then, the boys took care of poor ol Lancy.

Fake Chameleon. Check. Scorpions. Check. Macaws. Check. Check. A goofy volunteer with a burly red beard. Check. The infamous Fur-de-lancenow a check. Next on the list? Jaguar!!

At 5 I decided it was time to get work done. I went to town, ate enough food for the rest of the year, got some internet chores completed, but still had plenty left for the evening. At 10 I skyped my family. Even little Tessy was home from college. I had a nice chat with them put will miss them for the holidays. I wont get to steal Tessys presents and rip them open in front of her. Awww man!

I then spent the next couple hours using my under-used critical thinking powers. I analyzed the best path for entering Medical School, worked on my resume, applied for shadowing positions at pediatric offices, and even applied to summer jobs. I have always worried that I will have a hard time being admitted into Med School. However, if it is meant to be, God will allow things to work out. If not, Physician Assistant doesnt sound too bad does it? People tell me that I am set and that I do not give myself enough credit. I figure that the likelihood of happy moments increases when I am slightly pessimistic. Works for me!

I went to sleep at almost 2 a.m. but was content with my career research and even got 6 hours of sleep that night!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. What?! You let the kids kill Lancy?? What did he ever do to you?
    I like your plans and attitude. Glad you have time to think about the future a bit, and take action to get it rolling. I like the "who will be funnier with Alzheimer's" line. Keep up the great blogging Chap. Love. -Dad
