Tuesday, December 4, 2012

52. Today's 3 Presents

Tuesday, 11/27/12

I was given 3 gifts todays: Chad, Mac, and Edwin.

Chad came home today! Now I'm not the only jokester at the orphanage. Yes!

I woke up. Bread and I made bread. I chopped A LOT of wood. Melissa and I plotted on collecting all the cashew fruits in Bolivia, extracting the cashew nuts, and selling them to make a fortune...maybe one day. Then, I went with others to town and then to pickup Chad.

We arrived just as he landed...manly beard and all. We went to town, caught up on our stories, ate some great pasta at Juliano's. Then, the best part, he ate barely half and gave me the rest of his food!!! I surely missed him! haha.

He then handed me the new Mac I purchased, and I am currently using it to type this for you guys. He also brought back some other goodies for me from the States: batteries, a book from my Mom, and 35-mile range walkie talkies to hopefully allow us to communicate with those in Rurre. My mom even sent me a love letter. Booyah!! :)

A fantastic worker, too!
We returned home at 8:00 and then realized our day was just getting started. A random kid and his mother were in my house. He seemed neglected and had a bunch of infected wounds on his legs. Therefore...I have a new nephew. Edwin. He's an intelligent little guy that has lived in orphanages and schools his whole life and he is only 9 years old. He is already fitting in quite nicely but stands out with his inventive and creative ideas.

When we had bandaged all his wounds and pretended to be doctors, we finally shut off the generador and went to sleep at 11 p.m.!

Hasta luego! (See you later)

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Chad is definitely the best gift ;)

  2. Sounds like an awesome day! And Edwin is a cutie :)
