Sunday, December 16, 2012

68. Electricity!!!

Working on the electrical tower
Wednesday, 12/12/12

Another typical day. Kids were kids. Chad and I tried to be good parents. Together, I think we do okay.

We made food in the morning. We settled our fair share of disputes. One dispute that came up at the dinner table, involved a newly found watch. Two boys claimed to have found it and I had seen both of them with it for the same amount of time. I talked to all the boys together at the dinner table and we concluded that it was Davidchito’s old watch. However, he left! So, I was playing the “Pick a number between 1 and 10” game, and was about to give the watch to the guy who chose closest to 6 (the number I always choose for this game), when I realized that Davidchito stole all of Edwin’s stuff, so his stuff should go to Edwin. Tah dah! The watch is now Edwin’s. I was satisfied with my judgment.

Then Chad and I got to rest while the kids played near the house. After this, work time. Oh! By the way, I have good news. Familia Feliz is getting electricity soon to all houses! Now we can have refrigerators and more! Alright!!! First, we had to build a post for the power meter to go and get some tools and parts for the electric company. We spent the afternoon doing that. We are almost done, but the rest will be finished tomorrow.
Chad working hard! Ha

Chad had to bring Joy to town and get more sand, so I fed the kids. When it was time to turn the generator on, it wouldn’t work. Milton and I worked on it for a while. We then pulled the oil dip stick out and smelled it. It smelled like diesel! A bad thing since we do not use diesel at all for the motor. Therefore, we quickly siphoned out the oil with my mouth (tasty!), and then replaced it with the good stuff. It worked after that.

Chad came back and announced that he was going into town with me on my day of tomorrow. Sweet! Time in town with that goober is always a blast.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Look at the muscles on that one! ;)

    1. Which one, there are two. You are looking at the top picture, right? :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
