Thursday, December 6, 2012

58. Dinosaur Births

Monday, 12/3/12

Today jetted by due to all the nonstop work and fun. I like it that way.

It was Chad’s day off in the morning. So, the boys and I made food all morning. Halfway through cutting the veggies for the pasta soup, I treated them with one of the goodies my mom sent down. You know those colorful pil-shaped things that expand into spongey animals in hot water? They were amazed!! They then resumed working after the little half-time show.

Dinosaurs!! Cool!

They are waiting intently for the dino "birth"

Playing doctor

Chore schedule

A side not: my previous nephews are calling me “Papi”. Weird. Yet, cool. My favorite though, is when they call me “abuelito”. Never get tire of that one.

Before lunch, I cleaned everyone’s wounds with alcohol, bacitracin, and band-aids. They like the band-aids. Muppet themed. Edwin has a deep machete wound that is always filled with flies and fly larvae. Hope you aren’t eating now. haha. I wonder if this counts as medical experience for my resume for medical school. Doubt it. But, if I ever go into pediatrics, I feel well prepared to deal with the children...but then there are the parents--they are always more difficult.

I rested, played soccer, and had a man-talk with Brayan. I then made a chore schedule for the boys. The kids were impressed with my doodles for the kids who can’t read yet.

Then, Davidchito made my day. I was watching him as he held a mushy banana in his hand and headed out the door to a group of kids. I knew what he wanted to do, but he didn’t ask permission. I said his name, and he knew exactly what I meant. He walked back, and solemly asked permission as if I would say no. He wanted to smash that banana in some kids face. I said yes. He was brilliantly delighted, said gracias, and ran out the door. That kids got leveled with a banana. Chad and I couldn’t stop laughing. Sorry, Missy, I think it was your boy, Ephraim. He was already covered in mud though. :) Let’s just say Davidchito has been asking for permission for everything these days.

After supper, I taught Brayan a few praise songs on the guitar. He is a bright kid and learns fast.
And then...Chad copied my parenting moves. Jose’s bed was wet during the banana and mud war, and Chad granted him revenge. Jose had the option of switching beds with the perpatroter or he could wet his bed too. He obviously went for the more fun one...but the 17 year-old got carried away. He allegedly wet all the beds! I’ll have to investigate further tomorrow. I’m too tired now. A long, but great day.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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