Sunday, December 16, 2012

69. Town Day

Thursday, 12/13/12

I was in town all day today! I love my boys, but a break is delightful once in a while. Chad was with me the first half of the day.

The highlights of my day were talking to my mom and eating great pastries and food!

I also spent a lot of time pondering on my future career. Physician Assistant? Or Doctor? I am trying to find the best career that treats my three great priorities: biology, children, and my family. I want a medical career that allows me to relate with children, but also give me decent hours to spend with my family.

At this point, I am deciding between a pediatric Physician Assistant, or a Pediatrician (although professional food taster is definitely still a option!). Or maybe a pediatric specialty as well. I definitely desire the chance to build relationships with my patients, which can’t be done as an ER or similar doc. If you have any good ideas, let me know!

That is another great beauty about being in Familia Feliz. I have plenty of time to contemplate my future, especially my career. I have realized my strengths and weaknesses. It is definitely safe to say that my childhood dream of becoming a chief is NOT meant to be! (haha. My poor children have to put up with my cooking!) My goal is to find the niche God wants me to be in. However, I know I can help Him out in whatever I do. Even plumbing!

*Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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