Sunday, December 16, 2012

70. Trading Davids

Friday, 12/14/12

Today, we traded on David for another David.

Jose, 17, has been a huge help around the house. Sometimes he starts cleaning and cooking for no reason. (Maybe because our cooking is awful and he wants to spare his taste buds!). Chad was nice enough to take him into town with him for the morning.

I made soup for the kids and chatted with Brayan for a while. In the afternoon, we had an unexpected visitor. David’s grandmother came to say hi. But changed her motive and decided to take her boy home for vacation. I will miss the little goober, but I am sure he will be back in February.

Now both Davids are gone. Not for long! When I talked on the phone with Melissa in Santa Cruz, she said that the other one is returning in two days. Oh boy! Let the fun begin again! Hopefully he will come back with all the clothes he stole from the other boys.

David's always doing cool stuff with his hands. Always doing stuff!

Abuelita (who he calls his mother) and David

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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