Thursday, December 13, 2012

64. Knock Knock

Sunday, 12/9/12

The scene: At my bedroom door. 6:00 in the morning. This is not a knock-knock joke.

Someone: Knock, knock.

Me: “Who’s there?”

Someone: Knock, knock.

Me: “Who’s there?”

Someone: Knock, knock.

Me: (Wondering if it could be an emergency, I get out of bed and rush to the door.)
[I open the door. Edwin, my 9 year-old child is on the other side, smiling.]

Edwin: “Hola, Papi!”

That’s all he wanted. A nice, cheerful good morning in a mischievous yet loving way. Ugh!

Getting woken up at 6 a.m. for nothing is the worst thing in the world. Waking up to your son smiling up at you: the best thing in the world! I have got to remember to smile up at my Heavenly Father as much as I can!!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Cute!...lovely story Eric. Hopefully he doesn't make too much of a habit out of it.

  2. Oh. It is definitely a habbit. These kids always get up way to early to play...oh did I, huh?
