Thursday, December 6, 2012

57. What Didn't the Kids Do Today?

Sunday, 12/2/12

Chad and I wokeup ready to be parents. We were surprised by a few things.

First off, we thought the girls were going to cook for us. Nope! No problem, I don’t mind fine-tuning my spanish cooking skills. I just want to know what’s going on ahead of time so we can plan our cuisines. I then confirmed with the director that we will be cooking all the meals for our boys. Sorry boys...hope you can chug down our sad excuses for food. That is the main problem with having two dads! haha. We’ll do our best.

Well, I made some eggs real quick and served them with bread and oranges. After eating, it was time to concentrate on lunch. I wanted to make a truck load of food to suffice for both lunch and supper! Lazy, but smart! I wanted to make Mahalito! No easy meal for a first time. Bring it on!

Chad had to leave to change a tire again and oil, so it was just me and the boys...but I put them to work! Some boys cut the potatoes for the french fries. I put Brayan in charge of the vegetable cutting boys. All four of them cut a lot of veggies. Guillermo and Jose sorted the rice. Edwin and I cut wood for the fire. Everyone was working well...except Davidchito, he went fishing...without permission...for four hours! More on that later.

They were busy axing, sorting rice, playing with a tire...

...cutting veggies...
...washing dishes with a smile (rare)...
...catching, cooking, and feeding fish to the dogs...

...taking pics of me...


...growing a bigger moustache than me...

...and catching bats!
After everything was done, we just had to wait an hour for the water and rice to boil. In the meantime, they swam and I played UNO with Guillermo. Then we ate our masterpieces. Well done gang.

After lunch, Davidchito returned. He is known as our trouble maker. I don’t mind him having fun, but I need to know where each kid is at all times. I decided to use my most effective punishment; either hugging a tree or sitting in a corner. I sat him in the corner for 1 hour. However, he would get up and fight the other kids so the punishment went up to 2 hours.

 He would not sit still until I reaffirmed his character and said that what he did was bad, not him. He then cooperated perfectly, and has been obedient and friendly since. The same works on Edwin really well. I always reason with them at the end of the punishment and they seem to appreciate this. Now they come and talk to me more often and cuddle when I am sitting down. They both trap me with smiles and jump on my lap. Edwin more the Davidchito.

Edwin making a face after his discipline in the chair behind us

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. Great blog and pics again Eric, especially the one with you getting zonked out with the straining spoon. I love the "trap me with smiles" phrase. Love, -Dad
