Thursday, December 13, 2012

66. Visitors from Poland!

Tuesday, 12/11/12

I told Stephen I would give him $300 (American) to make us breakfast this morning. And...he did! But I don’t think it was the money that convinced him. He just has a big heart.

Apparently, my Chad and I are popular, because while we were eating breakfast, everyone (and I mean everyone) joined us in our house. They wanted to mow the soccer field. I then told them the mower wasn’t working. They were sad. They want to play soccer so bad. First, my last good ball got a hole poked through it by an evil thorn, and then the grass got too big!

Therefore, Chad and I went to town to try to recharge the battery for the mower. We did that successfully, but surprise surprise!...the mower still did not work.

After making bread, a tourist Polish couple from town stopped by to check out the orphanage. We showed them around and told them our mission. I liked having visitors.

Myself, Chad, Ulah, and Yanoush
Halfway through the tour, I left Chad to finish showing them around as I made rice and lentils for the boys. After we ate, we tried to start the generator. Didn’t work.

We worked on it for a good hour. I did everything I knew how to fix it: took apart the pull-string, unplugged the energy drain, adjusted the oil container, and even gave the thing a shocking hug (literally, I just took a shower and the thing kept shocking me with ferocity!) Finally, Chad saved the day. He flipped a switch! Go Americans!

Hasta Manana!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. That picture of you and Chad with the Polands made my day. They look so well-groomed and high class next to Chad with his beard, scrubs, and shorts. (No offense Chad, I think you still look GREAT!) He kind of looks like a caveman/ recently rescued wildman next to them. Just made me giggle... Keep up the good workings :)

  2. Yeah, that shower sounds safe Eric! At least you gave it your best shot.

    1. Yup. No more electrical work for me after showering.

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