Tuesday, December 4, 2012

53. Broken Bed

Wednesday, 11/28/12

It's a record! We all didn't wake up until 7:30! That'll never happen again. 

Today, as always, was filled with changes--we changed the look of the trailer, Chad changed from his room to mine, and I changed the outcome of our soccer game with my Superman skills! :)

We spent the whole morning sandpapering the trailer. Hopefully, we'll be done with the thing tomorrow. 

My kids now have to uncles, because Chad is now my roommate! Let the fun begin! I will soon appreciate his company when Juan and Emy leave for vacation. The kids will have two Daddy's. Nothing wrong with that, right? Unfortunately, that is becoming more normal these days, but we'll make sure not to confuse the kids...

While moving Chad's bed for him. I broke a board trying to scare away cockroaches. I thought that was funny so I decided to share it with you. Chad didn't think so! Now he has nothing to support his tailbone when he sleeps. Sorry, bud!

As the sun started to hide over the horizon, we played a little soccer. It was my favorite game so far this year. Things were balanced and in my opinion, I was a regular superstar!! Sorry, my ego flies when it comes to soccer! It's a big deal for Bolivians. I scored the winning goals and celebrated (jokingly of course) like a lunatic. The others loved it.

Then...what the kids were all waiting for...a movie!!!! With my new computer, I showed them a dog movie. Don't worry, I am careful to show only clean moral-filled movies, nature films, and Bible stories.

I love it when I show a very childish movie (almost directed for infants), and Juan and Emy are enthralled. This just shows their purity and the beauty of the lack of television in Bolivia.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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