Tuesday, December 4, 2012

54. Painting

Thursday, 11/29/12

Juan and Emy make me feel guilty. They work on their days off!! I rarely do. That was the case today. He spent the whole day helping me with the trailer.

While Emy packed for their month long vacation starting Saturday night. We took paint brushes to the body of the trailer. After much discussion about the paint (I wanted to paint it green and yellow with red flames...the colors of Bolivia!), we decided to go with the original colors and go with red on top and grey below. We painted for four straight hours, ate, rested an hour, then painted for another three hours. Chad wanted to help, but had to get gas and fix a tire in town. He ended up waiting 3 hours in total for those services. Poor fella.

I slept smelling like paint. Obviously...my dreams were quite colorful! haha! You bet that pun was intended.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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