Sunday, October 28, 2012

28. The Wednesday that Ended on Thursday

Wednesday, 10/24/12

Here we go again! I play Daddy for my nephews every Wednesday. Thankfully, this was another good one. And quite a long one!


Playing marbles

Conducted worship at 5:30 a.m.
Fed them
Sent them off to school
Prepared my lesson plans for classes tomorrow
Hung out with Calvin and Geraldo in their room
Returned home in time for lunch
"Encouraged" the kids to wash their dirty clothes, and clean their rooms before swimming
They went swimming in the creek for 1 hour, I was lifeguard but read a Ben Carson book simultaneously
I then played marbles with the kids. My finger still hurts! Hey, it's not as easy as it sounds!
Penalty kick shoot out with the boys. The two winners got the Bolivia version of a Little Debbie Nutty Bar.
Juan and Emy returned.

Then...the real adventure really began!
Chad came to me and said he was asked to bring Liselle to the bus terminal in town. He thought he would be alone so it would be a good idea if I tagged along for safety and entertainment purposes. Changing a flat tire on the highway is no fun in the dark alone. And there is a good chance you would get a flat tire on these treacherous dirt excuses for roads.
We set off, arrived in town safely and waited until two people arrived by bus from Brazil. It was 7:00 and we expected to leave around 9:00. Nope. We were in town until 12:15 a.m.!!! We stayed at Narguila's eating until it closed at 11 and then waited in vain for the two teens to arrive in the bus. We eventually gave up and made the long ride home empty handed. At least we got some good food!
Since we were technically in town Thursday, that made 5 consecutive days in which I was in town. Unheard of at Familia Feliz. Now I just need to find a way into town Friday and Sabbath. Haha. At this point, I'd much rather spend time with my family and make bread than wait in vain in Rurre.
**Keep adventurizing!..I know I will!**

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