Monday, October 22, 2012

23. Focaccia

Today we made focaccia bread!! Check out the pictures and your mouth will water. If only I had Mediterranean olives and some Olive Oil. If you desire, I will be sure to make you some loaded foccocia bread for you back in the States.
After we finished our masterpieces at 6, which was definitely the best bread we made all year, I helped watch 7 girls and 2 boys with Calvin as the female volunteers went off to worship. I lost count of the number of rocket rides and tornado spins I gave these kids, but the smiles and laughter were worth it. I, however, am ready for a 30-hour long slumber.
I also made a breakthrough with the most misbehaving girl on campus. A little girl named Rebecca. She is defiant and stubborn to the maximum. However, after she cried about her meal, I paid attention to her and by the time she finished her food, she was laughing and respecting me. While playing games with giggling kids is my favorite aspect so far about parenting, this incident is sure hard to beat.
The proud bread maker

The masterpiece...just needs a few olives
Now about that 30-hour slumber... ;)

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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