Sunday, October 28, 2012

27. How Do I Turn Off the Generator?

Tuesday, 10/23/12
Today was bread day. But I didn't make any.

Managing a goober-smile despite the computer frustrations

I spent two hours taking apart my computer and cleaning the logic board under the supervision of Mac expert, Calvin. It didn't work. I needed more information and wanted to go on google and type in, "How to get shampoo out of my Macbook." Thankfully, Joy brought Calvin and I into town and I actually did get to type that into the search engine. Never though that would ever happen in my lifetime.
We returned back home after 2 hours and I helped Chad and Stephen finish up the bread.
Tonight starts Juan and Emy's night off. I told them to stay the night in town tonight and they did. Therefore, I have been watching the little guys since 5:30.  So far we've had a great time, but it took me 10 minutes to get them to bed. They are finally quiet in their rooms above me, so I can concentrate on writing this.
It is 10:30 and the lights and generator are still on. Juan usually turns it off at 9:30, but he's not here and I have no idea how to turn it off. I better go get Max to show me how. Good night!
**Keep adventurizing!..I know I will!**

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