Monday, October 22, 2012

22. Mud Football (Bolivian version)

Today, I learned my fair share of parenting lessons.
Happy Wednesday! Juan and Emy went to town all day which means I was the sole parent for these mischievous little boys. I am convinced they look forward to this day to see how far they can push the envelope with me. They used to think they could get away with anything, thankfully that phase has passed.
I started the day at 5:30 by conducting worship with them. Through my experiences, I have learned that children prefer to have a structured organized schedule and enjoy knowing what will happen that day. Therefore, I gave them a rundown of our activities today. I did not expect we would actually do all of them exactly as planned.
We then ate, and they were off to school. Chad and I spent a couple hours with our bread guru, Stephen, to pick his brain for bread ideas and baking techniques--His idea, not ours, but we appreciate his willingness to teach us as much as possible…for free! He usually charges for his classes in the States.
The little terrors returned at 12:00 after school for lunch. Afterwards, I made them clean their rooms and do their chores. Then, the worst possible thing happened; it started to rain….hard…for the whole day! Now these kids really became rambunctious! I had warned them earlier that if they fought with each other, they would not be able to watch the video. Well, four of them did. Henceforth, I made true with my promise and they were not allowed to watch the video. They thought I was joking…but from now on they know better!
They really enjoyed the next part of the day and were looking forward to it during their classes. My mom had sent some hair thingies for all the girls. I figured now was a good time to give them out. The boys would get to give gifts, their favorite thing in the world, and we could get outside of the house.
After our good deeds, it was soccer time! In the mud and rain! We played for two hours. What better way to tire my nephews out. I’m sure we will sleep like rocks tonight.
My day concluded with swimming, a penalty kick shootout, some Bible reading with the kids and their new Bibles, and then Dutch Blitz with the other volunteers. A fulfilling day. Each Wednesday is a lot of work and dedication, but I look forward to each one to fine tune my parenting skills.
My kids frolicking in the mud and rain

Freddy is excited to give gifts to the chicas

Smiles on both the givers and receives

Mud Football

And more!!

Look at all the pretty colors
My David found a dragonfly

Then he put it in his mouth!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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