Monday, October 15, 2012

20. A Happy Sabbath

For the first time in two weeks, I was able to go to Sabbath School and Church. I enjoyed every second of it. While primitive, church over here is extremely meaningful.
My house brother, Juan, was the pastor today. I had a great time all week listening to his ideas. This was also the first time I understood and entire sermon. This is only because I am so used to talking with Juan, that I can understand what he’s saying through his twinkling eyes. My Spanish is definitely not sermon-ready…yet!
I then went on a walk to the Toma for the third time. If you don’t remember, it’s a river that takes two hours to walk to. This time I went with the older high schoolers and American voluteers (one of us four is Canadian but that’s close enough). We had a great time trying to catch fish in the small swimming hole at the end of the walk. Chad even got stung hard by something. Memories! J
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. What a treat!!! Had fun reading the whole thing. Glad you are sounding normal as usual. Miss you and love you. Mom.
