Monday, October 15, 2012

12. Teacher, Baker, Farmer, Uncle

Actually written on 10/1/12
I woke up this morning, took half a step out of my room, and Juan immediately declared, “Rabbit, rabbit!” (With his accent, it soundent more like, “Rabbie, rabbie.”) Apparently this phrase has migrated from the States to Bolivia…like everything else.
Chad and I then headed to town with the truck around 10 a.m. After a brief chat with Joy and Melissa. I think I have now wrapped my mind around my job description for at least the next 2 months.
I am an uncle to 12 boys, a co-bread baker with Chad, a farmer to water the plants every morning and to help build the rice chaco, and a high-school English teacher for four grades on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While I will be burnt out at the end of each week, I am glad to finally learn my place at Familia Feliz.
I start teaching this Thursday and I look forward to it. Up to this point I have mainly interacted with the little kids. Not anymore. I will have 3, 1 hour class peiods twice a week with the high school kids (7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grades are considered high school here). Plus, I will be a assisting Chad with the pesky 3rd and 4th graders during his weekly English class.
I could use some prayers. However, let the experiences continue.

Me as a baker

Making pita bread

That right there is pristine texture for Foccocia bread. My favorite!!
Not too sure if I would trust these panaderos (bakers)
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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