Monday, October 22, 2012

21. Bread, Dress-Up, and Church

Like most days, I made bread all day long—garlic bread! Before Chad, Stephen, and I arrived, the kids had bread once every three weeks. Now they have it every day…almost for every meal. I have been learning from our own personal master baker, Stephen. I am working on my skills at making regular bread, ciabbiatta, garlic bread, and my favorite…foccocia!! I look forward to treating you all with some!
I also had to watch Erin’s two boys for six hours. I let them swim, fish, and help me with the bread. Then at night, we played dress-up! Haha….in a manly way of course! I tried to teach them how to tie a tie and look all handsome-like.
This week and next week is Semana Oracion (Week of Prayer). Normally, I have to watch the kids while Juan and Emy go to the church. I don’t mind since I only understand half of the sermon anyways. However, today was special as Juan was speaking the sermon. This was only his third time speaking up front, but he did a mightly fine job!
As I was listening to the sermon, the odd beauty of this humble church struck me. A small building, maybe only 600 square feet in total, with a simple pulpit in the front of the church. However, the church’s odd mystique is enhanced by the bats flying around the church, tarantulas walking on the ceiling, and the cows popping their heads through the windows. I will just have to get reused to life without bats in the congregation back in the States.
 **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Post pictures of the church. Very interesting! mm!

  2. Pictures are posted in my above blogs.
