Monday, October 15, 2012

15. Sabbath Meal

Today, I fed the multitude, and celebrated Freddy’s birthday.
This was the menu for the first day that I cooked all three meals for someone; (it just happened to be for 100 people):

Breakfast: Fruit salad (watermelon, papaya, pineapple, and bananas) with a loaf of Quinoa bread
Lunch: Pita bread filled with either veggies (cooked tomatoes, caramelized onions, peppers, and garlic) or a hummus mixture (chick peas, kidney beans, scrambles eggs, and salt) Delicious. Seriously my favorite meal so far…with bias aside.
Supper: Semola cereal (Like cream of wheat with sugar)
Pineapple. Not cheap down here...but worth it!

We are good! :)

Introducing the pita pocket to Bolivia

We started at 5 a.m. and worked straight until 6 p.m., minus a 2 hour nap after lunch. It was the most I have worked on a Sabbath, but the smiles and compliments of the people we are serving made it worthwhile.
I mentioned my amazing 2 hour nap. Well, I set my alarm…I didn’t have to. Two minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off, the loudest, most disturbing crying sound reached my ears. One of my nephew’s, Freddie, was bawling his eyes out. I’m pretty sure he made himself temporarily deaf. I jumped out of bed and found him sitting on the steps alone. Apparently myfamily had left him sleeping and went to a watering hole called Asunta. It seemed unfair to me, especially since he is the youngest in the family, 8, and is the cutest of my nephews by far.

The masterminds getting a chance to relax and enjoy

Well, after he calmed down, I decided to distract him with work. I had a new helper in the kitchen for the next two hours. While he happily helped me clean pots from lunch, I chatted with him. I eventually asked him when his birthday was. He replied, “ahora! (now).” I wasn’t impressed. I have asked about 30 kids before and they all seem to say that day so that they can get a gift from you. So…I didn’t believe him.
Well…it actually was! Doh!! When I found out when our family returned two hours later I felt like a mean person. So, I made it up to him. I gave him bubbles and we watch Disney’s Lady and the Tramp with the whole family.
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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