Monday, October 15, 2012

16. Salmonella

Written on 10/9/12
I was sick. An understatement. I was even described ask, “He looked dead.” While I love adventures, this is one crazy one that I woudn’t have minded skipping over.
I had Salmonella…at its finest! Everyone went to bed Sunday night, but I was awake. I threw up 15 times by midnight. At this point, I had no energy left. I could not walk. All of my electrolytes vanished. At moments, six of my muscles were cramped at the same time. However, being a “tough guy”, I told noone.
Finally, amidst the prayers, I decided it might be a good time to get some help. I literally almost crawled to Juan’s door and politely said, “Ayudame, por favor (Help me…please!).” He was my knight in shining armor as he and Chad rushed me to the Hospital and even spent the first night with me. I thank God for their presence.
I could write a book on my experience, but Chad did a great job in his own blog. Here is the link to his take on the story. He’s a world class author in my book. The link to the story is:
(Scroll down to his post under October 8, 2012.)
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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