Sunday, October 28, 2012

26. News

Monday, 10/22/12
Today was my day off. I usually don't blog on my dia libres (freedom days) since I am usually vacuuming up fruit juice, stuffing my face, and uploading this blog, but there were two main things I wanted to quickly mention. Both are actually quite sad.
My friend Mark is now in jail, and in big trouble! He is one of those fellows who are a project for nice people, like those at Familia Feliz. He drinks, does drugs, and unfortunately, gets mixed up with the wrong group of people. He loves talking to Chad and I, however, because we listen to him. I have to be careful which soccer jersey I wear, though, he actually gets irritated when I don't wear my Chelsea soccer kit, because that is the only team he supports.
Anyways, he is in a whole lot of trouble. He was most likely set up by the Bolivian police to get this unwanted British guy out of Rurre, but he still kinda asked for it.We are actually surprised he is still alive. I am just glad noone of Familia Feliz got mixed up in the events. Please pray for Mark when you think of it.
Here is the link to his news story that made it back to major British newspapers:
Secondly, I bought more shampoo today. However, I put it in the same backpack I had my computer in. On the truck ride home...KERSPLAT!! Shampoo on the inside of my old girl that would have turned 6 years old in two days. Until the time I uploaded this blog, it is still not working. All I know is that, without it, I can't blog at night or show nature videos to my kids and all the other families.  I will have to think of a good solution. I was really looking forward to her birthday party, too. :(
I hope tomorrow's blog will bring a few more smiles for you.
However, I am quite content. As I am writing this on Chad's computer in his and Joel's room, their new puppy, Flipper, is fast asleep on my lap...he only takes up half of it! :)
**Keep adventurizing!..I know I will!**


  1. Sorry about your friend. Hope your times together will make an impact on him and that he is OK. Be careful! mom!

  2. Thanks...but you should definitely make a google account so your name is not anonymous!

  3. Yes, by I signed as "mom"
