Monday, October 1, 2012

11. Madidi National Park


Today was our excursion with Lisandro. You know how activities are more fun when the circumstances are sketchier? This was the case. We had lots of fun.

We arrived in Rurre at 7:00 a.m., took a shuttle boat across the Beni River to the smaller town of San Buenaventura, and met up with the patiently waiting Lisandro. He then promptly loaded me on his dirt bike and we zoomed toward his tiny shantie. After an hour, we then began our journey.

Sketchy adventure aspect number 1: a boat. Lisandro, our friend from familia feliz and a father of four, managed to supply us with the whole trip for only 9 U.S. dollars each. A usual, similar tour costs about 80 dollars. Needless to say, we expected this to be less than luxurious. The boat we were gifted with was more like a hollowed out tree, two loose boards for seats, and a motor loosely attached to the rear. Good thing only four of us were aboard.

Sketchy adventure aspect number 2: gasoline. The motor for our boat had no gas. Therefore, they left Chad and I in the baking sun for a half hour as they went to buy some. They returned with half a soda bottle of gas…from Lisandro’s dirt bike. It was just enough to propel us back to Rurre to buy some.

Sketchy adventure aspect number 3: Chad’s stomach. The day before our trip, Sabbath, I was out of commission with a bad stomach, a.k.a. the disease of gringos. However, Chad was lucky enough to have it today, but a lot worse. He fed the fish at least twice over the side of our canoe. Yet, he still managed to have a good time.

The rest of our adventure was less exciting, yet still rewarding. We received a 1 ½ hour trip down the river into Madidi and a 1 hour trip back. The light breeze in the hot sun was delightful—I almost fell asleep.

When we reached the information center, we landed, and relaxed in the lawn chairs for about 20 minutes while chatting with the ranger, Luis. We then took a 2 mile trek into Madidi, waded in a puddle and small waterfall, returned to the chairs, rested for 20 more minutes, then returned to Rurre.

Oh wait! I almost forgot about sketchy adventure aspect number 4: hitchhikers. As we were half way back to Rurre in our river boat, 6 youth waved to Chad and I, so we waved back. Big mistake! We then had to pick them up in our shaky little water craft and haul them the rest of the way back to town. I’m surprised the vessel didn’t split in two.

That was our day. We saw few birds and no animals, but we enjoyed every second of it. However, the highlight of the day was yet to come.

I arrived home to bunches of hugs from my boys. However, at supper time, my heart melted.

Once in a blue moon, the abusive/neglective parents of my boys will take their kid out for a day-long field trip to treat them to gifts. My little buddy, Armando, had his turn yesterday. His parents bought him one thing: chocolate cereal, a major delicacy. At supper today, he graciously offered his cereal to first Juan and Emy, then to baby Emy. They were gracious and accepted with smiles. Armando’s eyes were bursting with joy and happiness. He was full of love and pride as he was able to provide for his “adopted” family after all that has been done for him. I had a great sleep as I pondered his joyful generosity.

Our "boat" 
Beautiful Madidi...even with the dirty water

A makeshift map of the park. It's huge.

Explorer Eric

Chad climbing a waterfall

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. That landscape is breathtaking!

  2. You got that right! Come on down and you can get a climpse yourself...then we can play life size Risk!:) hey, you still interested in sending down a lil package?
