Monday, October 15, 2012

14. Passion Fruit

Written on 10/5/12
No matter what happens to me the rest of the year, I will be content? Why? I had the passion fruits of all passion fruits today!  My favorite fruit in the world!! I’m am certain that this was the sweetest one ever created…maybe second only to the ones in the Garden of Eden.
David, my nephew, knew that it was my favorite fruit. Apperently he was given two as gifts today from someone. They are really rare in Rurre, so the fact that he gave one to me continues to amaze me.
I also spent the entire day mastering my cooking skills! It is was Annie, Chad, and myself slaving away for 100 people all day for Sabbath meals tomorrow. Chad and I are extreme rookies, yet we were motivated to debut with a bang. We made pita bread for the first time in the history of Familia Feliz, and we also put chick peas and beans to soak over night.
That evening was a special time for communion. Us four student missionaries--Erin, Chad, Annie, and myself—enjoyed an American delicacy after supper with our families: Worthington Big Franks!! Chad haggled a can from the states and made this a special occasion. We ate them in our pita bread.

While we all enjoy mingling with our Bolivian families and comrades, onece in a while it is a blessing to be able to fellowship with as an English-speaking family.
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. That looks so yummy! I like the flowers detail on the table. What other "goodies" does Chad have?:)
