Friday, 10/26/12
Woke up at 7:30 feeling like could only get better from there. It definitely did!!
Today was the start of a short vacation without school. It ends on Monday. This is when kids can go back to their families for three days so they can spend some time with their families.
Yesterday, Erin asked me if I would watch the kids today since she could go into town. I love these kids, Juan and Miguel, almost as much as my nephews and immediately said yes. At 7:30 I went to their room, relieved Erin, and said hi to the excited boys. I said, " Your tio is ready for a fun day." Erin's two kids, who usually call me tio then said, "You aren't our tio!". With smiles of course. I automatically replied, "Then what am I? Your abuelo?" I guess that was the right answer because it stuck. They love it. I feel instantly wiser too!
Nuevo Esparanza School |
We then went with my other family to the Nuevo Esparanza (New Hope) School to play soccer at 10:30. I watched the kids and relaxed with Chad and Calvin in the bed of the truck. The shade and breeze were delightful!! Like always, each of our teams beat the other school's teams. I have a feeling we play too much soccer.
We returned to Familia Feliz and my two "grandkids" had the priveledge of eating at my house with my 7 nephews that did not go home for vacation. Then it was Cashew juice time! I made 5 liters of Cashew juice from a bottle of concentrate I was saving. It only costed 2 US dollars and tasted fresh. I must buy more!!
Who are those cool cats? (On the way to
grab some coconuts) |
As if one truck ride wasn't enough, we then went to drop the chicas off at their houses and then bought more coconuts on the way home. I bought 26 for me, 10 for Annie, and 10 for my grandkids and their mama, Erin. The old guy who got them down reminded me of my very old "abuelo" in Brazil that can still climb trees like a monkey.
We returned and ate supper with my family again. I am glad Juan and Miguel got to spend time with them. After Erin leaves, they will be one of the 4 kids to live in my house for the summer and will probably stay there until next year.
Rocket Rides!! |
I took my grandkids back to their room. We each had a coconut, then cleaned their rooms and swept the floor together. They took showers, wore my ties, and then we went to dismiss the Sabbath alltogether in a circle.
After a short break, my grandkids hitched a ride on my shoulders and went to Week of Prayer. They would not wanted to go without this fun mode of transportation. It was dark by this point and I was wondering if Erin got stranded in town for the night. We had already planned to have them stay in my house if she didn't return. We were inches from the church, then all of a sudden, there she was.
She had been accidentally abandoned in town and had to get a mototaxi ride to Familia Feliz. Her kids jumped her and there was all smiles...until she saw what they were wearing. Yup, t-shirts with monkeys on them, church pants, and church shoes. They were also very hyper because I'd been roughing them up and playing with them all day, and they were loaded with sugary cashew and coconut juice. What can I say, I'm just another grandpa that spoils his grandkids.
I then went inside the church to sit with my grandkids and provide them with a shoulder to sleep on. Even though the heavily animated Lisandro was speaking, my kids were drooling on my shoulders by 8:30. The program ended at 9 and we were off to bed. This time my nephews got the shoulder rides.
Just gotta say that I'm one spoilded guy. I get to be the fun uncle and the spoiling grandpa. Does it get any better than that?
**Keep adventurizing!..I know I will!**