Monday, November 26, 2012

Desk Fund

This is an article I wrote for my old school´s newspaper. Hope you enjoy it, and maybe you will even like to donate?

Desks for Familia Feliz, Bolivia

Buenos dias from Bolivia!!

Here is a little info about what I am doing in Bolivia to entertain, and maybe even inspire you to come join me!

I am at Familia Feliz, an orphanage in Bolivia under the watchful eye of Gospel Ministries International. Seventy children call this place their home during the school year. Some are real orphans, some are like boarding students. All of the kids come from rough living environments. However, this just means that they need as much joy as possible. Therefore, it is my mission to share as much of Jesus´ joy as possible.

What is my role at the orphanage? Anything and everything. I wear many hats: baker, gardener, uncle to 12 boys, English teacher at the high school, and sometimes father. No matter how difficult the task, I always feel content know that I am serving kids for God´s glory. Each day is consistently full of happy moments.

In a normal week, I have the privilege of grabbing fresh fruit off trees—papayas, bananas, and passion fruit. I normally bake bread for the children. Usually they help out, but then turn our baking session into a snowball fight with bread dough. I tutor my little nephews and giggle with them as they try to say English words. Imagine all these giggles with the majestic rainforest, toucans, and mountains as our landscape. Not such a bad living environment, eh?

While the little guys are fortunate to have a school on campus, the learning conditions are less than ideal. We are currently raising money for school desks. The students each share a desk with another student and sometimes three which creates many problems. Many desks are also broken and beyond repair.

We are looking to purchase a total of 60 desks for our five classrooms so that each student has a sturdy chair and their own desk. Each desk costs about $26. In total, we need $1,500 for all the desks. Are you interested in helping with this project? If so please feel free to let me know. The kids will love you forever.

Continue to have a great holiday! If you have the opportunity to go on a mission trip, TAKE IT! It is well worth it.

You can view more pictures and follow my adventures on my blog. The link is

Happy holidays,
-Eric Morris

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