Sunday, November 18, 2012

38. Daddy Day 2

Friday, 11/9/12
Day number two as dad of Juan and Miguel. They used today to secure an even greater part of my heart as theirs.
This morning, Steve and I were feeling ambitious. We decided to start making bread at 5:45 a.m. He actually started at 4:30 a.m. for me since I was up late getting settled in my new room. Chad had left yesterday to be a hero and surprise his mom in the States for Thanksgiving! Lucky duck!!! I would love to surprise my folks and spend some quality time with them, but, if I had left, I wouldn’t have had this great opportunity to be dad for these boys for a few weeks.
I then woke the boys up with tickles and hugs. Every moment seemed like a fairy tale because parenting shouldn’t be this easy and this much fun! How long can it last? We ate together and I sent them off to school.
Juan and Emy had to go into town again today, so I was again watching 14 kids. No biggie. They would make great bread helpers for today. They are great at rolling the bread dough. I am getting a hang of this tricky skill, but Chad plays it smart and just refuses to learn. He is a master at dividing the dough for us—but he wasn’t there today. I am already missing that bloak. He makes a good accomplice for our mischief and outlandish plans. He’ll be back in a few weeks, of course.
My nephews helped us finish the bread and it was time to prepare for Sabbath. I encouraged my boys to clean the room and bathrooms and they did so in a jiffy. Erin has them trained well. Their discipline is great, just have to work on their soccer skills! J
For supper, we got jipped! Only bread! So I decided to whip out the secret weapon...peanut butter!! My boys are spoiled.

Erin wanted to watch the movie “Up” with them the night before she left but never got to due to her surprise going away party. Therefore, they watched the movie after their chores were done. I kept thinking of my grandfather as they watched since he is an exact replica of the main old guy in the film. Big white eyebrows and all.
Bedtime was next! I read them an Uncle Arthur’s bedtime story, we sang a song, then we ended with prayer. They fell asleep seconds afterwards at 7:37. I couldn’t believe how early it was! We were all tired. I fell asleep an hour afterwards after some reading.
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good father already Eric. It will be a great experience fro when you have your own. Love you! Mom.
