Sunday, November 18, 2012

41. Last Week of School

Tuesday, 11/13/12
This week is the last week of school for the kids. Change at Familia Feliz is just around the corner.
Since Erin is gone, I was asked to teach the two-week long summer school (called riforciemento) for the kids who failed. Thankfully, there was only one. My nephew David was the lucky guy. I evaluated his abilities and realized he can’t add, name colors, or write letters. So that is what we worked on for today.
Today was also the last day for my secondary English classes! I was planning on giving them a final exam on Thursday, but the headmaster for the high school wanted the grades by tomorrow. Lucky students. So we resumed our plans for the day: playing soccer using only English terms. They were looking forward to class all weekend. If they used a Spanish word they were out. I had given them the words to study for their quiz of English soccer terms the class before. Well, let’s just say it was a pretty quiet soccer game.
Since Chad is gone, I then watched Joel’s kids on his day off. My son Juan enjoyed playing with the older boys since his old play-buddy has left. I made sure to bring my hot sauce for all of our soup. Joel’s kids love me even more now! Haha. I am quite the strategic suck-up, they won’t disobey me now! And they didn’t.
Never underestimate the power of hot sauce. It can improve flavor, burn eyes, take paint off buildings, be used in bombs, and even gain the favor of your children. I’ll have to write that tip down in my parenting 101 notebook! J
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Hahaha!!! The soccer idea was awesome. I did not get the hot sauce stuff. Did you use it as a punishment?

  2. No!! I surprise them with hot sauce and then they love me forever! Haha. The way to a Bolivian´s heart is spicy food, of course!
