Monday, November 12, 2012

36. Olive Oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 11/7/12

Thanks for the Peanut Butter Southern!!
Today, I went into town for 2 hours, my first package from Southern!!! Woohoo. It was chocked full of unhealthy American food--what´s not to love! Thanks SAU! We then made Focaccia bread again. However, this time, I selfishly made four special loves for my self...with OLIVE OIL!!! A huge delicacy and quite pricey (3 dollars for a tiny can). However, it was way worth it and totally superseded Panera Breads focaccia. I will be flying high for the next few days due to the superb, Mediterranean taste!! Look at how beautiful it looks! I then sat down with Erin as she delivered her ¨This is everything you need to know about my boys to be a good daddy¨ Speech. I even took notes! I´m not even going to try to fill in her shoes (way too difficult...and too small), but I will try to love them as much as she did. I then finished off the day by helping her give away her deliver her clothes to the teenage girls before worship.

I could barely contain myself from chugging the whole thing.

It was even gorgeous before the baking process!

In she goes

Tah Dah!!

A note to the fellas: Focaccia bread this beautiful is quite the chick magnet.

My focaccia with olive oil. Chad´s without it (plus, he kinda forget about it in the oven).
Haha. He´s a master at Ciabatta though!

That about sums it up!! :)

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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