Monday, November 12, 2012

35. From Abuelo to Papa

Tuesday, 11/6/12

Remember my two grand kids. In a few days they will be my new sons. Their current mommy for one year, Erin, is leaving in a few days. After making bread this afternoon, she asked me to be her replacement. I am excited! The responsibility is huge, but the rewards seem greater. I am told I will live with them in their room in the Casa Grande for the end of the year and then they will move back to my current house during the summer.

Let´s see how it goes...

I had to drain some adrenaline and excitement by playing some soccer. Three hours straight! It was Erin´s last soccer game and she scored a beauty. I can´t help but exclaim that I was able to pull off 5 goals! exhilarating feat again Bolivians (even if they were little ones!). Annie also scored one! Go volunteers!

On a spiritual note: Despite the pride, I find soccer to be my favorite way to share God´s joy. While competitive sports can be degrading, if handled well, they are a great way to uplift others. I love it when a monstrously large smile takes up a kids face after he is complemented on his strong kick that went to absolutely no one. Sports ministries has a place in this world for sure!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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