Sunday, November 18, 2012

43. Uncle Arthur´s Stories

Friday, 11/16/12
I woke up and helped Steven finish the cinnamon rolls. The kids loved them. Apparently, we are addicted to making bread, because we made two more batches of bread today. Ciabatta and focaccia!
While I was making bread, Moises punched a kid. Like I always try to do, I disciplined him sternly, but out of love, not anger. After he stared at the wall for a while, I said he could go, and he promptly gave me a smile and a hug. I am certain it was because he knew I care for him and that is why I punished him. But…it could also be because he was glad to go free or he is just sucking up. Regardless, it made all my punishment worth it…plus he fights less now.
After Juan and I cleaned our room and the classroom, I hung out with Annie and her girls as Steven and I finished our bread.
Then, my nephews ambushed me with huge grins, hugs, and tears. They were leaving for the summer. 9 of my 12 nephews were leaving for the year. I could barely hold back the tears as the truck brought them to their homes. I will miss them, but I am thankful God let me make a difference in their life. I got the biggest hugs from the three problems kids. That made all the time working with them well worth it! I will be thinking and praying for them! Two, of my kids, Brayan and Erick, will not return next year. I wish those little goobers the best! I hope to see the others next school year.
After Friday circle time, it was time for bed. I then read Uncle Arthur’s Bible stories to Juan like I do each night now. This is one of my favorite childhood memories: sitting on my father’s or grandfather’s lap and reading stories with them. I remember those fabulous times and wish to share them with Juan. He seems to enjoy each second of it. Anytime I can share Bible stories I take the opportunity to.
**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**