Sunday, March 31, 2013

127. I Tried Every Title Possible For This One!

Thursday, 3/28/13

Workshop day!

I felt part of a legitimate Fortune 500 company today as we all took 4 hours of the morning to have a staff workshop in Casa Grande. With out computers ready, we brainstormed for ideas on how to make Familia Feliz even better. Each person was given a few projects to lead. I was put in charge of Community Outreach and Fun Socials. Gnarly! I feel like I lucked out compared to some of the other tasks like cleaning up the campus or complicated electrical wiring. Of course I plan on assisting on as many other projects as possible.

After a delicious lunch provided by the girls, Chad and I shoveled. I did not get too much completed however because the little guys kept digging in my spots. Like they say, “The dirt is always browner on Eric’s side!” Then we got distracted by the most adorable thing on the planet: cute babies holding cute puppies.

By the way, Juan and Emy left at 4 a.m. to bring 5 kids to Kikebe for the vacation weekend. So we only have 5 boys left. And, before lunch, we gave Augustine 4 of the older ones to take to the Toma to swim. So poor Miguel was left alone all day. I am glad! No, I am not evil. I was having Miguel withdrawals. He was my full-time kid for 2 weeks and I miss him. So we hung out most of the afternoon. He dug holes with me and we munched on Chizitios together.

Also, Rebecca punked me. She was digging with me and slipped a worm into my pocket. I had my cheap mp3 player on me and the thing wiggled right up into the earphone hole! I don’t think I could use the worm for a headphone so I thought of a plan. I did not want pull it apart til it exploded in my device so I salted it and taunted it with moist soil. It worked! He jumped right out. How is that for a fascinating story!?

Then, Chad used the solar shower his brother sent it. It is a plastic pouch you fill with water and cook in the sun. When ready, just hang it on a nail and enjoy. We did just that. Chad even saved a little water for me. The kids were fascinated with our fascination of warm water.

We then hurried over to Casa Grande to play Twister. Both the girls and guys had fun getting all pretzle-like.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Eric!! That girl with the dog in her backpack is the cutest!!! I want her! Haha

    1. She's all yours. Good luck walking, though. She is the world's most persistent leg-hugger.

  2. Agree with Kristen. Love the little girl holding the puppy on your backpack. Hope you washed it afterwards:)

    1. Does putting it out in the rain count? Enoch then dragged it in the mud for an hour so I am sure the dog smell is gone.
