Sunday, March 10, 2013

117. Two Frogs in Milk

Monday, 3/4/13

Monday. That means another week of classes. Oh boy, I am sure I will have some funny stories to tell you about my class of sillies.

On Mondays we have a special meeting in front of the flag pole called Acto Civico. Normally we spend 5 minutes singing a song and praying to start the day at 7:30 a.m. Mondays we spend 30 minutes singing 3 songs, praying, having a short sermon, then singing to and raising the flag of Bolivia. Today, I told a story (in ugly Spanish) about two frogs that jumped into a big bucket of milk. One got lazy and drowned. The other kept on and swam until the milk turned into butter. Then jumped out. They thought it was funny. I need to come up with more interesting parables. Got any ideas?

School went on without anything really memorable. We studied the memory verse, practiced on 9 and 10 times tables, and did 2 pages in the Lenguage workbook. I do not like the workbookit does not teach much. So I am going to change it up a bit.

Everyone then went to the rice chaco to harvest more rice. Hopefully we can finish this week, because it might be all bad by next week. We might even bring in the Bolivian Navy to help. They would get half and we would get half. Not too bad. Plus, the kids would love seeing 20 soldiers on campus.

We they went to work, Juan left me in charge of cooking. I washed clothes with 5-year old Rodrigo and slightly more mature Chad (ever-so slightly). Then I made rice with vegetable stir-fry. Yummo.

Chad and I then moved a desk into our room. Nice! We love desksmainly because that is where we live as Bio majors in college. It feels a little like America.

Then we closed our eyelidsand slept.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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