Sunday, March 3, 2013

116. Holes and Electricity

Wednesday, 2/27/13

Holes and Electricity.

Our house was hooked up with light switches, outlets, and constant power making today one of the most memorable days in Familia Feliz history. Chad and I think so anyway.

To celebrate, Chad and I dug holes. Haha. We want to put the cables underground so we started digging a 100-foot trench with Elijah. Hard work, but I enjoyed it. My shovel was a tad bit short though. It should be illegal to use a shovel that barely goes past your knees.

The hole-digging situation improved when Franco and Solidad stopped by. They are two traveling Argentines that are helping Familia Feliz for a week or so. And where there are Argentines, there is matetea herbs soaked in water and sucked through a metal straw that siphons out the herbs. Complicated, but very good.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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