Sunday, March 3, 2013

114. Official Teacher Status

Monday, 2/25/13

            I am officially a teacher. I was given something that designated me as a legitimate teacher. It was not a certificate, a diploma, or an experience. It was a simple apple on my desk. How cliché. How great. How tasty! This teaching thing has its perks after all.

            I was in the classroom at 7:00 preparing the day for the students when Consuelo Anahi walked in and handed me a juicy looking, green Granny Smith apple. I kept bragging to everyone that day that I was given an apple by my student. Yup, they were clearly jealous.

            I spent the rest of the day ordering school books and resting. I was filling low in the gas tank and did not want another episode of my ol friend Salmonella. So, I washed all my clothes and took a good long sleep.

            **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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