Sunday, March 3, 2013

113. Top 10...Round 2!

Sunday 2/17/13-Sunday 2/24/13

I hope you liked the last list, because here is round two of the top ten interesting things for this week. Enjoy!

10. Staff Meetings (Thursday and Sunday)

I know, I know. How can staff meetings be in anyones top ten list of interesting things. But, Familia Feliz rarely has meetings and never two in one week! One meeting for everyone, and one only for the teachers. We got a lot done and no one broke into a fight. Always a good thing.

9. Dodged Balloons (Sunday)

Balloon incoming
Carnival was over last Wednesdaythe kids with the water balloons were not done. They pelted us. I got smashed on the head and some of the others were pelted with blue and purple paint. The locals must of thought, These foreigners must really be dumb to all be driving slowly through town in a truck without a roof. Do they have brains?

8. Guitar with Brayan (Wednesday)

I look forward to the ½ hour of recess these days. It gives me time to run a few errands. This day, I walked into my house eager to eat my grapefruit and then prepare for more classes when I saw an eager Brayan. He was playing guitar and wanted me to help him learn some songs. I helped him out and we learned Sanctuary and Lord I Lift Your Name On High. I cherish these moments together, because I know my little man is heading off to Guayaramerin soon.

7. New Soccer ball   (Sunday)

Its has been a sad week at Familia Feliz. We have not had a soccer ball all week! That is almost a crime in Bolivia. All the volunteers chipped in a few bucks and we bought the kids a nice, yellow ball. The kids are ecstatic. Us too. Lets just hope it lasts more than the expected lifespan of two weeks!

6. Jose and Juan Carlos Returned (Sunday)

Two of my nephews from last year have returned! Ever energetic Juan Carlos and his success-bound older brother Jose Carlos are back ready to give smiles and hugs. I missed them.

5. Desk Shopping Trip (Thursday)

Juan, Mari-Luz, and I went into town in the afternoon. We ran chores  to buy plates, spoons, and flour for everyone. Even more exciting, though, I made an order for the new desks! We should be getting the first 15 in 3 weeks. The carpenter shop was so cool and the best-renowned carpenter in town did seem quite good. The cost was way more than I was told so we can only buy 48 of the 60 desks. However, the desks are much needed and will greatly improve the learning environment. We have run out of all our desks and most of them are missing parts! To celebrate, I bought us delicious fruit juice from Tutti Fruttis. 

4. Janette Walked (Wednesday)

I walked through the big house and noticed Janette standing on her hands and feet. First time event! I helped her up and she walked with little help. She was laughing with pride. She has almost returned to full strength and is making rapid progress. Keep praying for her and for great parents to adopt her!

The proud smile of a champion!
Step by step! Go girl!

3. Harvesting Rice (2nd Sunday)

We spent 7 hours today harvesting rice. Every single kid was out with us cutting off the rice clusters and putting them in bags. They were proswe were not! We have more to go and should have about for large bags of rice when complete. Next up? Corn.
Samuel with the long sleeves
Mike doing work like a true Austrian
The boss setting a good example for the youngings
There is muscles!

One of the many bags of rice
Photo credit goes to the Chief Baker himself: Stephen
2. Brayan Left (Wednesday)

Surprise! Brayan left earlier than expected. Melissa and I chatted with him about his future. He wanted to live back in Rurre and unwisely decided to do so. We allowed him to since we want him to make his own choices and we cannot legally prevent him from doing so. Therefore, Juan and I brought him into town. We had a cold corn drink, got a tour of his house, and said our goodbyes. He even had a tear or two. I will miss him and hope he will choose to go to Guayaramerin and become a real man. Good luck lil buddy!

1. Teaching
            Teaching is a blast. Here are some interesting highlights of this week.
            -When the kids act up, I make them stand in the corners. I have named the four corners the United States, Germany, Canada, and Ecuador. When his or her time is up, I often ask, How was the weather in Canada today? They appreciate the humor.
            -I know more Spanish than my students. Nawnot really. But I can conjugate past and future tense a little better than they can. They speak bad Spanish and very few actually know how to use verbs. It is my job to help with that! Quite the task. I felt pretty smart, though.
            -One boy was picking on a girl. She complained to me about it in front of everyone, but I did not see it. So I asked Jorge what he had seen. He thought for a second, folded his hands under his chin, batted his eyelashes and in a high-pitched voice said, I have seen very terrible things! We (me too) could not stop laughing for a good minute. What a goober!
            -I have an older student in my class who is clearly past puberty. To the amusement of the class, I call him Mi Hombre (My Man). However, he is terrified of attention. With a mischievous expression he hides behind my whiteboard and hides his face when called upon. I cannot get over how shy he is. I wonder if he will ever open up in front of everyone.

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