Sunday, March 24, 2013

124. Ciao Soledad!

Saturday, 3/23/13

Hasta luego Soledad!

Soledad left today.  She was the random adventurer that was passing through Rurre, but decided to stay at Familia Feliz for about a month. Unfortunately, she had to resume her adventure and left this evening. She is not Adventist, but has the heart of a true Christian and cared for Janette like a perfect mother. She taught me some cool Argentine phrases and we had some fun scribbling cartoons together.

She emphatically accepted some books that we offered her—The Bible, Desire of Ages, and Messages to Young People. She asked Chad and I to personalize them with a little note. We laughed at her upfrontness, but gladly ablidged. Chad pretty much wrote a book and a wrote a bit with a cartoon dog that she requested. We exchanged hugs, and she promised to keep in touch with facebook. I will truly miss her willingness to serve and especially her lemon pies.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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