Sunday, March 3, 2013

115. The Sick Bros

Tuesday, 2/26/13

Sick, but with ELECTRICITY!!

Chad and I woke up as the sick brothers. We were both drained of energy and our living room was the bathroom. Last night, perfectly healthy Chad warned the director that I may not be able to teach. However, he now had the bug too. However, there was no one to sub for me so I went to school looking slightly scary. Somehow, the students and I had a great day with our Math, Religion, Language, and Art classes.

That afternoon, Chad and I did not move from our beds. I had not eaten anything yesterday or todayI was hungry, but knew that eating would make my tummy angry. The solution to my problem came through our angel, Tabitha. Her and Jacque had returned for a few more days after their trip to Guayaramerin. Knowing we were bed bound, she made us Potassium Soup with carrots, potatoes, onions, and deliciousness. After slurping down this magical concoction, the twinkle returned to our eyes. Shes not my mom, but the next best thing I could have asked for!

Good news!! Familia Feliz has full time electricity!! Woohoo. Finally. The lights were on today when I returned from school without the generator buzzing in the backgroundwhich meant the electricity was hooked up. We just need to install switches and more powerful amperage so we can work refrigerators and power tools. Behold the new Familia Feliz!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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