Sunday, March 31, 2013

125. Easter Vacation

Tuesday, 3/26/13

Easter Vacation! Yippee! The kids are stoked…and so am I!

School let out as I told the kids that they only had to return next Wednesday for classes since it is Holy Week! They were elated!

Pastor Moore gave us his departing seminar before he left to the airport. It was on dating. He was very frank and I truly believe I will be a better husband because of it. So if my wife is reading this, you will have Pastor Moore to thank for the terrific husband you will have. Oops, guess I will have to read the pastor’s book on humility for myself.

You need shades for that bright ball
Juan and Emy were on their day off in town. Rebecca visited our house all day and she played the ultimately awesome sport of “bolloon tossing” with Rodrigo and Myself. Then I played some intense soccer with Jorge and Jose Carlos in the mud. We used the new ball that Chad’s mom sent since all 4 balls that I brought down were finally used up. The boys left that evening so we enjoyed our last moments together until next week.

Jose Carlos was selling goodies for Juan and Emy, so naturally, Chad and I bought some. He asked me for some accounting help to make sure he came out balanced. I was surprised by his wise appeal for advice. He then spent half an hour with Chad and myself while Chad told him how awesome of a girlfriend he has and while I told him how even cooler mine is…whoever she is.

Hot Shower!!!!!!!!
For the next week we plan on having plenty of staff worships and I look forward to making my lesson plans even better. We also plan on purchasing the rest of the desks. Also something to look forward to, we have been told that there are 8 new potential student missionaries. Eight! Chad and I look forward to corresponding with them and plan on being amazed at how much better missionaries they will be than even the mighty bearded Chad and slim-jim Eric. I am confident God will use their skills for the best!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Well Chad must really like this girl to talk about her awesomeness ;) hehe who could she be? Haha and don't worry Eric one day you will find a girl to match your totally amazing self! :D

    1. I am still trying to figure that out...he has not named her specifically yet. He keeps saying she cooks like Emeril, sings like Adele, and looks like Carrie Underwood. Do you know her? giggles. I couldn't help but to flatter after you boosted my ego sky high!

  2. Good sons make great husbands:)

    1. Good mothers make great grandmothers! I am in luck!
