Sunday, March 17, 2013

120. (The Answer is Fan)

Monday, 3/12/13

Riddle time: (You will never guess the answer!)

Riddle: What is better than fresh passion fruit juice, Chad and I do not need it, but is our favorite thing on planet Earth at this exact moment?

Answer: The technological device that is blowing heavenly air all over me on this 100 degree day and very few bolivians have ever heard of.

We have a fan! I feel like a luxurious, lazy, billionare. What a comfort feature. I will never take air conditioning for granted ever again! With all time electricity these days, we figured that fans were a necessary amenity. So…we bought a fan with Missy…but are using it until we leave! Haha. Genius plan. Thanks again Missy!

When I go back to the states, I plan on appreciating the simplest things. Fans, no mosquito nets, bug spray that works, real ice cream, sofa cushions,  cold water to drink, eggs without salmonella, and…family!!! I am perfectly content where I am, but I am slightly looking forward to being extremely grateful for the simplest luxury items such as a fridge.

I feel less and less like I am in the mission field these days: electricity, lights, and a fan. I almost feel guilty—then I look at all the children around me then realize this is no Beverly Hills. These kids are still extremely unfortunate due to all the aweful experiences they have had in life. I am definitely still in a pretty rough mission field no matter how many fans I have.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. I mean I know refrigerators are nice and all, but I know you really just wanna come home cause you miss me ;) Oh, and awful*

    Love you!
