Sunday, March 24, 2013

121. Desks Have Arrived!

Thursday, 3/15/13

They look pretty content to me
Drum roll please…the desks have arrived! Yippee ki yeah! They are gorgeous and should last quite a few years. However, they are now intertwined with a rather unfortunate and dramatic incident.

Those are my 5th and 6th graders!
Last night, the carpenter in town finished the first 15 desks. He went to sleep. While he was sleeping, someone allegedly set his house on fire to kill him. His house is attached to his shop. He and his wife left amongst the flames, yet he still had the wherewithal to save all of the products he made…including the desks. That is why we found the desks on the street this afternoon. They were saved from the inferno.

I feel awful because he was such a nice guy. Why would anyone attempt murder on his life? If only we had enough funds to continue with more desks and to help this guy build this house. New fund raiser anyone?

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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