Sunday, March 31, 2013

128. Bismark's Future House

Friday, 3/29/13

What?! A bonus town day? That’s right, Chad and I went in with the boss couple (Warren and Jodi) to run errands.

Before we headed to Rurre, Chad, Juan, and I went 4 kilometers in the other direction to measure wood. I drove of course! We then returned and made our way to the big town.

We ordered more desks. The carpenter is already building his new house. If you have to lose a house, it is probably quite handy to be a carpenter yourself. We ordered some veggies for Missy and Emy and got other supplies for volunteers at FF. We went to the dock to check on prices for floating our large truck across the river with building supplies such as wood for the house for Bismark’s family. By this time, our estamagos were grumbling so we headed to Ron’s brand new restaurant.

The food was delicious with even better prices. While the internet was down, it should have free wifi sometime in the near future. This may be our new hang-out spot. Then the main adventure began.
Rurre from across the River

Bismark's current house

We needed to plan for Bismark’s house—in person. We crossed the river, walked the path, and climbed up, up, and up to reach their isolated home. We found all the children making lunch without their mother around. The kids greeted us warmly and let us survey the land to make plans for their house. We cannot wait to start the project. However, the truck can only go so far on the awful road/path, so Chad, myself, and whoever else we can find will have to haul all 50 pieces of wood and tools up the cliff to their house. I am already sweating.

We returned, used some internet time, bought more food supplies, and returned to good ol’ Familia Happy.

Love you all!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

127. I Tried Every Title Possible For This One!

Thursday, 3/28/13

Workshop day!

I felt part of a legitimate Fortune 500 company today as we all took 4 hours of the morning to have a staff workshop in Casa Grande. With out computers ready, we brainstormed for ideas on how to make Familia Feliz even better. Each person was given a few projects to lead. I was put in charge of Community Outreach and Fun Socials. Gnarly! I feel like I lucked out compared to some of the other tasks like cleaning up the campus or complicated electrical wiring. Of course I plan on assisting on as many other projects as possible.

After a delicious lunch provided by the girls, Chad and I shoveled. I did not get too much completed however because the little guys kept digging in my spots. Like they say, “The dirt is always browner on Eric’s side!” Then we got distracted by the most adorable thing on the planet: cute babies holding cute puppies.

By the way, Juan and Emy left at 4 a.m. to bring 5 kids to Kikebe for the vacation weekend. So we only have 5 boys left. And, before lunch, we gave Augustine 4 of the older ones to take to the Toma to swim. So poor Miguel was left alone all day. I am glad! No, I am not evil. I was having Miguel withdrawals. He was my full-time kid for 2 weeks and I miss him. So we hung out most of the afternoon. He dug holes with me and we munched on Chizitios together.

Also, Rebecca punked me. She was digging with me and slipped a worm into my pocket. I had my cheap mp3 player on me and the thing wiggled right up into the earphone hole! I don’t think I could use the worm for a headphone so I thought of a plan. I did not want pull it apart til it exploded in my device so I salted it and taunted it with moist soil. It worked! He jumped right out. How is that for a fascinating story!?

Then, Chad used the solar shower his brother sent it. It is a plastic pouch you fill with water and cook in the sun. When ready, just hang it on a nail and enjoy. We did just that. Chad even saved a little water for me. The kids were fascinated with our fascination of warm water.

We then hurried over to Casa Grande to play Twister. Both the girls and guys had fun getting all pretzle-like.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

126. :)

Wednesday, 3/27/13

So, in my devotionals today, the emphasis was on cheerfulness. I decided to be super cheerful today. The result: the kids would not leave my side. They were addicted to this contagious twinkle in my eye. I loved it too.

I went to shovel so they decided to join me. I played soccer, even Rodrigo joined me. I brought them to church and they almost suffocated me as they all crammed into the same bench as me. Afterwards, I tried to get some shut-eye as I sat at the entrance of the house. Nope, they would not let me. At one point I had Rodrigo, Juansito, Fermin, and Edwin fighting for prime real-estate on my bony lap.
I do not want to sound manipulative, but the next time the kids will not listen to me use this newfound magic God showed me today. Yeah, it wasn’t all joyful. 6-year old Miguel and 11-year old Moises got in a surprisingly equal fist fight and David could not eat supper because he ignored Chad, but a “Merry heart [really does] do good like medicine!” –Psalms 117:22.

When I returned from digging, Chad was warming up the shower that his brother sent him. It is a bag that you put in the sun to warm. Then, simply hang it on a hook and let it rain baby. While slightly awkward, I took a shower in front of all the kids (with swimming trunks on) and they were all amused and dying to take pictures of the spectacle. Feast your eyes! Haha!!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

125. Easter Vacation

Tuesday, 3/26/13

Easter Vacation! Yippee! The kids are stoked…and so am I!

School let out as I told the kids that they only had to return next Wednesday for classes since it is Holy Week! They were elated!

Pastor Moore gave us his departing seminar before he left to the airport. It was on dating. He was very frank and I truly believe I will be a better husband because of it. So if my wife is reading this, you will have Pastor Moore to thank for the terrific husband you will have. Oops, guess I will have to read the pastor’s book on humility for myself.

You need shades for that bright ball
Juan and Emy were on their day off in town. Rebecca visited our house all day and she played the ultimately awesome sport of “bolloon tossing” with Rodrigo and Myself. Then I played some intense soccer with Jorge and Jose Carlos in the mud. We used the new ball that Chad’s mom sent since all 4 balls that I brought down were finally used up. The boys left that evening so we enjoyed our last moments together until next week.

Jose Carlos was selling goodies for Juan and Emy, so naturally, Chad and I bought some. He asked me for some accounting help to make sure he came out balanced. I was surprised by his wise appeal for advice. He then spent half an hour with Chad and myself while Chad told him how awesome of a girlfriend he has and while I told him how even cooler mine is…whoever she is.

Hot Shower!!!!!!!!
For the next week we plan on having plenty of staff worships and I look forward to making my lesson plans even better. We also plan on purchasing the rest of the desks. Also something to look forward to, we have been told that there are 8 new potential student missionaries. Eight! Chad and I look forward to corresponding with them and plan on being amazed at how much better missionaries they will be than even the mighty bearded Chad and slim-jim Eric. I am confident God will use their skills for the best!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

Sunday, March 24, 2013

124. Ciao Soledad!

Saturday, 3/23/13

Hasta luego Soledad!

Soledad left today.  She was the random adventurer that was passing through Rurre, but decided to stay at Familia Feliz for about a month. Unfortunately, she had to resume her adventure and left this evening. She is not Adventist, but has the heart of a true Christian and cared for Janette like a perfect mother. She taught me some cool Argentine phrases and we had some fun scribbling cartoons together.

She emphatically accepted some books that we offered her—The Bible, Desire of Ages, and Messages to Young People. She asked Chad and I to personalize them with a little note. We laughed at her upfrontness, but gladly ablidged. Chad pretty much wrote a book and a wrote a bit with a cartoon dog that she requested. We exchanged hugs, and she promised to keep in touch with facebook. I will truly miss her willingness to serve and especially her lemon pies.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

123. Fractions, Digging, and Sleeptalking

Friday, 3/22/13

So for the past four days, it has been relatively the same schedule: school, lunch, work, soccer, Bible seminar and sleep.


Fractions and money was Math this week. The Bolivians text books actually use American dollars and cents to help teach the kids Math. That was neat. Most of my fifth and sixth graders belong in 3rd and 4th grade Math. They could not multiply or divide. I have finished teaching them how so I can safely say that ¾ of the class knows their times tables and how to divide. However, they do not know when to do which…and that is like the most important part. Oh well, I see it as another goal to strive four. We just started adding and multiplying fractions. We played a game outside to help them. Hopefully it did because Daynor sprained his ankle doing it. He will never forget his fractions.


Emy’s the best cook on the planet. And lunch is always her best meal. Sometimes the breakfasts or suppers are a loaf of bread and chocolate milk, but her lunches always rock.  This week we had lentil burgers with yellow rice, salad, and French fries. We also had amazing pasta soup with 4 cookies. I can’t remember the other meals but they were all immaculate (except for Tuesday when Chad and I cooked. J…I’d have to say we are improving though. I recently learned that the trick to great rice is a little oil.


Get out the machetes and shovels! We used them every day. Chad and I took groups of kids and cleared out some jungle and dug some trenches. We want to extend the property of Familia Feliz and provide as much yard grass as possible. The trenches are to put the electrical wires into the ground. We want to provide enough power for power tools to make chairs, beds, and tables ourself.
Surprisingly, the kids enjoyed both these tasks and we worked quite efficiently. Chad managed to cut himself with a machete, and Armando hit a kid in the head with a shovel. I mean, come on…we have to make things interesting!


Goal! A kid kicked the ball through the goal, into our door, and directly into the pot of lemon tea that Emy had made. Three points! Haha. Emy was not happy but you have to laugh a little bit. Monday was my favorite day of soccer. It rained super hard. Yet, we played for 2 and half straight hours. At times you could not see 5 feet in front of you. I would kick the ball as hard as I could and it would go about 5 feet and land in a puddle and stay there. It took a long time to get your team to the other end of the field. Oh, I attempted a bicycle kick—but ended up missing the ball and kicking poor Alex in the shoulder. No worries, he is still alive.

7:00-Bible Seminar

We have a famous Adventist on campus. Pastor Moore from Weimeir College. He is Missy’s grandfather and quite the Bible expert. He has been writing more books and sharing his wisdom with some of us volunteers for the past two weeks. I like the title of the new book he is working on: The Power of Humility. Sounds like quite a paradox to me.

9:30-Sleepy Time

Chad said two full sentences in his sleep one night. I have no clue what he said but it was quite impressive. So we now know that I talk in my sleep and he talks in his sleep. We are thinking about recording us one night to see if we have any deep philosophical conversations at night that we do not know about. That would definitely boost our self-esteem because now, with our broken Spanish, we appear to have the intelligence of 5-year olds.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

122. New Teeth, Moto, and a Birthday Party

Sunday, 3/17/13

Juan has got his smile back. Say cheese!

Chad and I pitched in to fix his teeth. Now they are real pirty. Muy bonitas in español.

Chad and I got a day off and enjoyed it online. I did some school stuff and talked with friends and family. I cannot believe that I will see most of them in a little more than 2 months. Time is a’ cruisin’ by.

The truck left around 4 p.m., but Chad and I decided to stay. I wanted to skype a little more, so Chad called his contact. He knew this taxi guy that said he would give us a ride home for just 10 Bs each at 8 p.m. I was skeptical but agreed to try it out. I was right, it was too good to be true.

The guy arrived punctually at 8 o’ clock to pick us up. However, he wanted 30 Bs. Chad was understandingly frustrated and said no. We decided to stay the night since it would only cost another 20 Bs. As we walked away, two guys came up and asked how much we would pay. I said 20. He said, “Because you work for the children, I will gladly give you a ride. But usually it is way more than 30 Bs at nighttime.

We had a pleasant ride and the guy kept talking about how he wants to found his own orphanage. He returned us and told us that we can call him anytime. We just might. We will do anything for more time with friends and family in town.

When we arrived home it was Emy’s Birthday! She is two years old now and in perfect health. God has answered prayers by keeping her healthy. She is turning out to be quite the princess over our 12 boys.

Juan smiles at his baby girl with his brand new teeth as she blows out the candles

Pretty impressive for this part of the world

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

121. Desks Have Arrived!

Thursday, 3/15/13

They look pretty content to me
Drum roll please…the desks have arrived! Yippee ki yeah! They are gorgeous and should last quite a few years. However, they are now intertwined with a rather unfortunate and dramatic incident.

Those are my 5th and 6th graders!
Last night, the carpenter in town finished the first 15 desks. He went to sleep. While he was sleeping, someone allegedly set his house on fire to kill him. His house is attached to his shop. He and his wife left amongst the flames, yet he still had the wherewithal to save all of the products he made…including the desks. That is why we found the desks on the street this afternoon. They were saved from the inferno.

I feel awful because he was such a nice guy. Why would anyone attempt murder on his life? If only we had enough funds to continue with more desks and to help this guy build this house. New fund raiser anyone?

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

Sunday, March 17, 2013

120. (The Answer is Fan)

Monday, 3/12/13

Riddle time: (You will never guess the answer!)

Riddle: What is better than fresh passion fruit juice, Chad and I do not need it, but is our favorite thing on planet Earth at this exact moment?

Answer: The technological device that is blowing heavenly air all over me on this 100 degree day and very few bolivians have ever heard of.

We have a fan! I feel like a luxurious, lazy, billionare. What a comfort feature. I will never take air conditioning for granted ever again! With all time electricity these days, we figured that fans were a necessary amenity. So…we bought a fan with Missy…but are using it until we leave! Haha. Genius plan. Thanks again Missy!

When I go back to the states, I plan on appreciating the simplest things. Fans, no mosquito nets, bug spray that works, real ice cream, sofa cushions,  cold water to drink, eggs without salmonella, and…family!!! I am perfectly content where I am, but I am slightly looking forward to being extremely grateful for the simplest luxury items such as a fridge.

I feel less and less like I am in the mission field these days: electricity, lights, and a fan. I almost feel guilty—then I look at all the children around me then realize this is no Beverly Hills. These kids are still extremely unfortunate due to all the aweful experiences they have had in life. I am definitely still in a pretty rough mission field no matter how many fans I have.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

Sunday, March 10, 2013

119. Cross of Rurre

Saturday, 3/10/13

Chad and I had a memorable day. We were able to make Sabbath special for some lucky student.

We pre-chose 6 students4 girls and 2 boys. We cooked rice for lunch, went to the real church in Rurre, and climbed a mountain that had the Cross of Rurrenabaque.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

Sunday, 3/11/13

Chad and I realized today that we have been in Bolivia a longggg time! Here are 3 reasons why:

1.    Longggg Hair
         So, Chad and I look totally different from 6 months ago. We compared pictures from today to our first week in Bolivia. We looked good back then! Chad looked 10 years younger and I look smart and intelligent. Now, Chad looks 26 and I look like a goober with a bunch of knock, knock jokes for intelligence. I do not even remember us ever looking like that. It took us by surprise.

2.    Marriages
         We are out the loop. Facebook tends to notify us with unexpected events. One of them is that all of our friends are getting married. Whoa! When did they even start dating?

3.    Spanish
         What is this English you speak of? I vaguely remember it. Haha. We have been bathed in Spanish and it is starting to show. For startersI SLEEPTALK IN SPANISH! Chad witnessed me babbling and wrote down what I said. I feel like I am going to accidentally be speaking Spanish to everyone in the American Airports, and to the McDonalds we eat at back in the States. UhPerdonquiero un Happy Meal con sandwiches de quesosin queso, por favor! It feels great to be asked to translate back here at Familia Feliz for the new volunteers. We still have a long ways to gobut sleeptalking in Español is a good sign.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

118. Funny Gs and 7s

Tuesday, 3/5/13

Sothe humans down here write numbers and letters weird. Haha. I barely recognize some of the figures my students are writing. My 9s are their Gs. 7s are 1s. Thats pretty much itbut it throws me for quite the loop.

After realizing that facts about the kids handwriting, Chad and I had a busy day. Juan was in town so it was just him and I. He made lunch. I made supper. However, I had to use the fire because Chad said we were out of gashe was wrong. But I still spent hours with the first. Oh well. Then I helped the kids with homework for a while.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

117. Two Frogs in Milk

Monday, 3/4/13

Monday. That means another week of classes. Oh boy, I am sure I will have some funny stories to tell you about my class of sillies.

On Mondays we have a special meeting in front of the flag pole called Acto Civico. Normally we spend 5 minutes singing a song and praying to start the day at 7:30 a.m. Mondays we spend 30 minutes singing 3 songs, praying, having a short sermon, then singing to and raising the flag of Bolivia. Today, I told a story (in ugly Spanish) about two frogs that jumped into a big bucket of milk. One got lazy and drowned. The other kept on and swam until the milk turned into butter. Then jumped out. They thought it was funny. I need to come up with more interesting parables. Got any ideas?

School went on without anything really memorable. We studied the memory verse, practiced on 9 and 10 times tables, and did 2 pages in the Lenguage workbook. I do not like the workbookit does not teach much. So I am going to change it up a bit.

Everyone then went to the rice chaco to harvest more rice. Hopefully we can finish this week, because it might be all bad by next week. We might even bring in the Bolivian Navy to help. They would get half and we would get half. Not too bad. Plus, the kids would love seeing 20 soldiers on campus.

We they went to work, Juan left me in charge of cooking. I washed clothes with 5-year old Rodrigo and slightly more mature Chad (ever-so slightly). Then I made rice with vegetable stir-fry. Yummo.

Chad and I then moved a desk into our room. Nice! We love desksmainly because that is where we live as Bio majors in college. It feels a little like America.

Then we closed our eyelidsand slept.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

Sunday, March 3, 2013

116. Holes and Electricity

Wednesday, 2/27/13

Holes and Electricity.

Our house was hooked up with light switches, outlets, and constant power making today one of the most memorable days in Familia Feliz history. Chad and I think so anyway.

To celebrate, Chad and I dug holes. Haha. We want to put the cables underground so we started digging a 100-foot trench with Elijah. Hard work, but I enjoyed it. My shovel was a tad bit short though. It should be illegal to use a shovel that barely goes past your knees.

The hole-digging situation improved when Franco and Solidad stopped by. They are two traveling Argentines that are helping Familia Feliz for a week or so. And where there are Argentines, there is matetea herbs soaked in water and sucked through a metal straw that siphons out the herbs. Complicated, but very good.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**