Friday, January 25, 2013

93. Ali, Meet the Toma!

Sunday, 1/20/13

Time to break in Ali to life in Bolivia. How about a trek to fix the water at the Toma? That should do it, eh?

We spent the morning dilly-dallying and playing soccer in the pouring rain. The water then stopped working for the first time in a month. We wanted water for next the next day, so Ali, Chad, the boys, Juan and myself headed off to the Toma. We fixed it all without problems (besides the fact that Edwin lost his sandal, threw the other one in the river out of frustration, and I had to run after it to retrieve it). Also, everyone but us 3 gringos got injured which was definitely out of the ordinary. Ali impressed Juan with her nursing skills when she bandaged up the slice in his hand. Not bad for a first impression.

Emily and Ali petting the puppy

What could be better than puppies and an awesome pal?

The boys kickin' mud at each other
Beginning our journey in the rain.

Going to the Toma with Ali, Juan, Chad, and the boys.

We returned home and slept like rocks weighed down by anvils.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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