Thursday, January 10, 2013

80. Desk Goal Reached!!

Monday, 12/31/12  (Desk Update!)

We did it! We raised the money for the desks!! Overachiever style!! I was aiming for $300, but then hinted to the fact that $1,500 would provide the total 60 desks needed. That hint was taken seriously. We even surpassed the mark!

Thank you to all that donated for the cause. I predict the kids will love the look and feel more confident in brand new desks. The idea is that the learning will be better because of it. I will be sure to post pictures when the desks are done. Hopefully in a months time.

Next goal: $1,000,000 for new trucks, water systems, electricity, and a personal smoothie maker for me!! Haha.

God Bless!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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