Thursday, January 10, 2013

81. Christmas and New Years Combined

Tuesday, 1/1/13

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

First thing in the morning, Chad and I gave the kids their gifts. Finally! Nothing wrong with a belated Christmas, right? They got the towels. Okay, pretty cool. They got the cars. Awesome! They played with those poor cars all day. Within the first hour, Moises broke his.
Look at that face!

Each boy got a car

Vroom vroom!

We cooked rice and I made my moms famous tomato salad. It was a big hit. Then Chad went into town in the afternoon.

The kids and I then cleaned the house real well and did some laundry. In the afternoon, it was soccer time! We kicked the ball around for a while until we had a random neighbor ask to use the cement mixer. We found it together and I helped him haul the mammoth ontoa cattle drawn trailer! How cool is that! And it handles like a Ferrari!

He had amazing control over those cows

The rope he had was short...we made it longer

That mixer is not light

He left, we played more soccer, then we ate. Then Joy and Chad came backand my day took a turn for an adventure.

Joy needed to go back in town at 9 p.m., but since one of our female volunteers got attacked by 3 men last week while driving in the dark she was obviously a little frightened. Chad had just spent his allotted budget money in town and wisely did not want to spend anymore, so I gladly obliged to protect her to town. We arrived after almost running over 5 innocent dogs (the light on the mototaxi is pretty weak) and then she hooked me up with a room for the night.

Well, I need to get some shut eyesounds like Joy will be working me hard in the morning. Thankfully, it seems that the adventurizing will continue on for 2013 as well. Should shape up to be a great one! Hope the best for you guys as well.

Cheers to a great year!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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