Sunday, January 13, 2013

86. The Green Army

Tuesday, 1/8/13

We want to cut grass!! The grass is overtaking Familia Feliz. You can call them the Blades of the Green Army (has a great ring to it!). Therefore, we spent a bulk of the day trying to fix the tools to defeat these hostiles.

Warren is huge into vocational education (education that is practical and not necessarily in a classroom), and seems quite good at handyman jobs. With his can-do attitude, Steves knowledge of mechanics, Chads muscles, and mytallness, we repaired the weed-whacker and then made our way to the rider lawn mower. We tried everything from changing batteries to jump-starting, but could not get the beast to awake. We did conclude that a new battery is required. Finding the money for it is not the hard part. Using the money on a brand new battery that has not been used and repackaged or drained of battery acid is the trick. Finding a good battery in Rurre is the trick.

While we tried to cut grass, Steve was working wonders fixing other things like a juicer. He is a true man!

Warren and Jody tried to leave. The plane was not allowed to fly. Like I said, they will be here until next weekwhether they like it or not!

Even though the weed-whacker was repaired, we could not cut grass because we did not have the proper 2-cycle oil. Until then, the Green Army grows stronger!

Stay tuned for the eventual defeat of the Blades of the Green Army

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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