Friday, January 25, 2013

92. New and Old Faces!!!

Saturday, 1/19/13

Today is a happy day. Juan and Emy returned after their 2 month vacation. AndAli is here for a month from Australia. It was super to see them all.

We woke up around 7 to pick up Ali the Aussie from the airport. We emerged from our room and Chad said, hermano! I only saw Moises and was puzzled at why he called our son brother. Then I saw Juan. I was overjoyed. I gave him a monster hug and we chatted as much as possible before it was time to leave.

Check out her exuberance!!
Chad and I drove to the airport to pick up Ali. We were fretting the flight would be canceled due to the rain. However, luck was on our side and she landed fairly close to the planned time. As soon as I saw her, I could feel how exuberant she is and how much she will mean to the kids. She is 19 and has spent some time adventuring in Peru and the U.S. and was searching for some more good times in service. God sent her here just in time to care for baby Janette and Amy since the other volunteer leaves in a week.

The new arrivals.
Baby Emily is so much bigger!

We arrived at Familia Feliz during church. After a brief tour, we joined the others. Missy immediately introduced everyone to Ali and then we finished the service. We spent a half hour lingering in the church just fellow-shipping together.

The rest of the day flew by as we conversed with the new arrivals and caught up on each others travel adventures.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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