Sunday, January 13, 2013

88. Farewell Visitors


Thursday, 1/10/12

Farewell visitors!

Around 9 a.m. the four visitors plus Chad loaded into the cab of the truck. Our fantastic guests were finally heading homethey hoped. The rain was pouring. There were no more seats left, but I was determined to go to town. So, I jumped in the bed of the truck, and we took off in the rain.

On the way we picked up my amigo. Picture a wrinkly fellow in his 70s with a backpack and his always worn rubber boots. He greeted me warmly and climbed in the truck with me. Now I would not get soaked alone. Yea!

We arrived at the airport, asked if they could lift off, got denied, and waited while Steve loaded supplies in the plane. All the while, my best buddy is still standing in the bed of the truck, getting wetter and wetter. What a guy! He finally came in as we were heading back to the truck. We went back to town and delivered my friend to his destination.

We all ate at the French Bakery. It finally reopened!! Then we waited until the sun woke up and dried the runway. They were now able to go! Finally! They did not leave when I had predicted, but they definitely did not stay just one night like they planned. Bolivia Time never fails. They may return at the end of the month. I look forward to it.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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