Sunday, January 13, 2013

85. Bosses and Pilots

Monday, 1/7/12

Visitors. Hooray! New guests are always a good thing. Visitors that are the bosses of Gospel Ministries International is even more interesting!

Warren and Jody McDaniels are a vibrant African American couple who are big shots at GMI. They have lived in South America for eleven years now (mostly in Guyanna) and are currently residing in Santa Cruz. Their main mission? Unite all schools affiliated with GMI and make them better. They are education people, and education people always seem to be the nicest people on the planet. Warren and Jody are no exception. They are supposed to just stay one nightI expect them to leave next week due to the effects of Bolivia time.

Steve and Helen were the other couple to join us. Steve is a pilot (he even does tricks!) and his wife, Helen, volunteered at Familia Feliz 7 years ago when this place was merely a thought. They are selfless travelers that go wherever their plane is needed: medical flights, transport children home and back, and transport supplies and stuff. Also important, Helen is the worlds best peanut butter maker! No lieIve had some.

The kids are always stoked to have visitors. SoCOME ON DOWN AND VISIT US YOURSELF!! 

**Keep adventurizing!..I know I will!**

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