Monday, January 21, 2013

90. Fancy Bread

Tuesday, 1/15/13

One month has passed since Chad and I last made bread all day. For old times sake, we made Focaccia with Stephen. However, this was Focaccia on steroids! We used Chads real olive oil and my moms spices to make this bread amazing. Look how tasty it is!
Putting on the toppings

Popping in the goods

Baking to a crisp
From left to right: Steve´s, Mine, and Chad´s

Full of pride over the accomplish

My boys aweing over our finished products

While the bread was in the oven, it was time to enjoy each others company.

Juan, left, and Brayan, right

The goobers

The happy goobers
The 3 compadres

Also, Davidchito and Edwin ran away. Probably in town at a friends house. Let´s see if they come back for food tomorrow! (I know the answer, but want to keep you hanging...)

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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