Thursday, January 10, 2013

78. Extended Stay in Town (Part 1)


Feliz Sunday!

Brayan and I were excited for a fun day in town together. It lasted a little longer than expected

I awoke and helped Chad make lunch for the kids. Then Brayan and I got ready for town. Before I escaped, Joy put me on baby-sitting duty of her Jhon and Moisesito and asked me to bring them into town with me until she arrived on a dirt-bike. I gladly ablidged.

There was only room for two in the taxi so I sent the older Jhon and Brayan. The Moisesito, age 7, and I waited. We had fun throwing rocks at trees and he accidently hit me in the ear with a rock. He came over all worried and tried to kiss the chichio (booboo). Finally a Milton passed by on his moto and I got on with Moises

I prefer taking motos into town; the wind in your face, sun on your skin, and good conversations with the drivers. Well, I go for those drivers I that are either old or that have brand new bikes. Milton was neitherand it showed. You know how you slow down when there is a ditch? Well, Milton sped up for those. I actually saved Moisesitos life twice by catching him as he fell of the bikehe wasnt fazed. He must be used to it!

We made it into town and I bought Moises ice cream on our way to the meeting place. Well, I had a great time in town on the internet. The food was always good. Think I had spaghetti alfredo and a avocado sandwich. Pretty soon, it was time to leave. Not that easy.

I asked Joy if I could take her kids back again. She was grateful. It was already 5:15 and the taxis usually stop at 5:45. We had time, but of course, complications happened. I had to wait 45 minutes for one of them to return to the restaurant. Yup, by then it was too late. No more taxis!! We tried to catch a bus at 8, but that failed. So, I told Brayan that him and I would have to stay in a hotel room. He was stoked! I was gonna be broke!

We were about to leave when a taxi drove by at 8! That never happens. I wanted to head home so that Chad could leave on his day off at 6 a.m. like he prefers and I wanted to save some money. However, the driver wanted to overcharge us and by then Brayan was too excited for us not to stay in town. We easily passed on the taxi and made off for a great night in town. We had more good food, talked with my family, and watched the Patriots cream the Dolphins in the snow! Then him and I watched Space Jam at the hotel before bed. I fell asleep.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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